=== SeatReg === Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=9QSGHYKHL6NMU&source=url Tags: reservation, online booking, event management, online registration, seat plan Requires at least: 5.3 Requires PHP: 7.2.28 Tested up to: 6.7.1 Stable tag: 1.56.6 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Create and manage online registrations. Design your own registration layout and manage bookings. == Description == Create and manage online registrations with ease. Design your own registration layout and manage bookings. SeatReg is a plugin that offers the following and more to build and manage online registrations. * Map Builder: Design your registration layout with a versatile map builder. Easily create, delete, resize, and move elements. Add prices, legends, seat numbers, hover text, customize colors, and more. * Registration Overview: Get a overview of your registrations. Track the number of open, approved, or pending bookings. * Customizable Settings: Control the booking flow with numerous settings. Create custom fields to collect additional data from customers. * Email Templates: Utilize customizable email templates. * Export: Export bookings to different file formats (PDF, XLSX, TEXT). * Calendar Mode: Manage bookings with an integrated calendar mode. * Responsive Registration View: Provide a scrollable and resizable registration view via a direct link or embed it into your website pages using a shortcode. * Payment Integration: Support for PayPal and Stripe payments. == Installation == 1. Install SeatReg either via the WordPress.org plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server. 2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress. == Screenshots == 1. Map builder 2. Registration view 3. Booking manager 4. Custom fields 5. Overview 6. Legends and background image 7. Seat custom numbering == Changelog == = 1.56.6 = * Fix custom field creation validation problem. = 1.56.5 = * Fix broken registration copy. = 1.56.4 = * Better email template sanitize. * Fixed an issue where copying a registration did not include the target registration's custom payment icons. = 1.56.3 = * Fixed an issue where copying a registration did not include the target registration's layout background images. * Trimmed layout room names to prevent issues. * Added space between custom payment icon and description. = 1.56.2 = * Added character restrictions to email templates. = 1.56.1 = * Security fixes and improvements. = 1.56.0 = * Added question mark support for custom fields. * Added option to make text custom fields optional. * Added feature to add booking specific text to approved booking receipt email. = 1.55.1 = * Fixed issue where a comma was appearing after the currency symbol in registration page. = 1.55.0 = * Added option to registration checkout to sync first entry values to others. = 1.54.2 = * Added currency code validation. * Minor text changes. = 1.54.1 = * Fixed compatibility issue with Redirect 404 Homepage plugin. = 1.54.0 = * Added bookings CSV export. * Added bookings CSV import. = 1.53.3 = * Added support for WordPress Plain permalinks. = 1.53.2 = * Fix conflict between Elementor plugin. = 1.53.1 = * Fixed Stripe payment issue when charge.failed event happens. = 1.53.0 = * Added option to limit how many total seats can user make across all their bookings. * Fix user limit check. = 1.52.0 = * Added option that requires users to be logged in to make a booking. * Added option to limit how many bookings can one logged in user make. = 1.51.1 = * Added auto page refresh to booking status page when page regains focus. = 1.51.0 = * Added booking seat price to booking manager and also to PDF, XLSX and text files. * Open payment gateways in separate tab in booking status page. Prevents issues when using shortcode. = 1.50.1 = * Increased custom field max length to 100 characters. * Allow comma character in custom fields. = 1.50.0 = * Added option to automatically redirect booker to booking status page. * Support a greater number of characters in the custom payment description. = 1.49.3 = * Fixed registration view issue with mobile touch event and multi price selection. * Added deposit payed option to payment status. = 1.49.2 = * Minor style changes on registration page. = 1.49.1 = * Stripe API secret key update improvement. = 1.49.0 = * Added option to manually change payment status. * Added payment status column for booking manager. = 1.48.4 = * Trim booking email field to prevent whitespace. = 1.48.3 = * Copy more settings when copying registration. * Fixed issue where seat price was not showing in booking confirmation modal when using only custom payments. = 1.48.2 = * ID lookup for add booking (booking manager) now displays only open seats. = 1.48.1 = * Fixed issue with booking manager actions with calendar mode = 1.48.0 = * Added option to configure booking notification email. * CSS classes for styling legends and selected seats in registration page. * Using selected WordPress timezone to display dates. = 1.47.0 = * Added booking PDF to booking status page. In settings you can control when the PDF is displayed. = 1.46.0 = * Registration start and end date now use WordPress timezone * Minor improvements = 1.45.0 = * Added option to add custom styles for booking status and booking confirm page. * Trigger 'seatreg_action_booking_approved' event also with payments. * Added option to separate first and last names when generating text, xlsx and pdf files. * Added time restrictions to settings. = 1.44.1 = * Fixed missue with missing approved emails. = 1.44.0 = * Added bookings and events capability. Allows to control who has access to bookings and events in admin area. Administrators have both capabilities by default. = 1.43.0 = * Custom payment icons added. = 1.42.0 = * Seat ID lookup can now fill seat ID. * Room name selection for add booking in booking manager. * Changed registration background image locations. Will fix issue where plugin update deleted existing background images. = 1.41.0 = * Added option to add multiple custom payments. * Added option to control if pending booking notification is sent out to the booker. * Smaller fixes/improvements. = 1.40.0 = * Added option to customize button text that opens seat selection in registration view. * Registration view now displays currency symbols instead of currency code. = 1.39.4 = * Fix for Stripe zero decimal currencies. = 1.39.3 = * PHP warning fixes * Updated PDF and XLSX generation libs. = 1.39.2 = * Fixed bug in overview page. = 1.39.1 = * Local notification support for Android app. = 1.39.0 = * Added option to add custom markup to registration page. Will be displayed above the confirm booking button. = 1.38.1 = * Booking manager add booking feature fix. = 1.38.0 = * Added public API. = 1.37.0 = * Added possibility to change custom fields order. * Added options to add custom email subjects. = 1.36.0 = * Added option to add custom styles to registration page. * Added plugin related actions for developers to hook custom code into. = 1.35.2 = * Display custom payment booking price in registration view. = 1.35.1 = * Enabled custom payments in registration view. = 1.35.0 = * Added custom payments option. * Added seat prefix to seat ID lookup modal. = 1.34.0 = * Added seat ID lookup modal for booking manager. * Added controlled scroll feature to registration view. * Changed seat number field size in DB. = 1.33.0 = * Added calendar mode. = 1.32.3 = * Made booking related email subjects translatable. * Allow more characters with custom fields. * Added Stripe API key validation. = 1.32.2 = * Fixed bug that only allowed to open PDF file generation. = 1.32.1 = * Bug fix on multi price validation. * PHP warning fix. * Minor improvements. = 1.32.0 = * Added setting to add limit how many bookings can be made with the same email. * Added option to make text custom field unique. = 1.31.1 = * Fixed issue where locked seat text was not showing. = 1.31.0 = * Added option to set FROM email address for SeatReg system related emails. = 1.30.1 = * Fixed DB table issue caused by multi price selection. = 1.30.0 = * Added possibility to add multiple prices to seat. = 1.29.4 = * Fixed issue that was caused when creating a seat outside of builder grid. = 1.29.3 = * Allow space character usage in bookings. * Minor improvements (PHP warnings removed, redirect to settings page when settings saved). = 1.29.2 = * Fixed issue with older PHP version (trailing comma). = 1.29.1 = * Fixed issue with custom seat numbers in scheme editor. = 1.29.0 = * Improved PDF, XLSX and Text file generation filtering. * Added powered by Seatreg to registration view. = 1.28.0 = * Added options to use generic place instead of a seat. Useful if your registration is not dealing with seats. = 1.27.1 = * Open Redirect vulnerability fix. = 1.27.0 = * Booking manager can now delete individual seats from bookings. = 1.26.3 = * Fixed map eidtor seat/boxes moving issue with larger grids. * Changed Stripe API version to 2020-08-27 when dealing with Stripe. * Added donation text. = 1.26.2 = * Changed Stripe API version. = 1.26.1 = * Using spesific Stripe API version to prevent problems. * Fixed bug where Stripe confirmed payment booking were not set approved when configured to do so. = 1.26.0 = * Added zooming and moving controls to mobile view. = 1.25.1 = * Fixed issue with map editor seat numbering. = 1.25.0 = * Added payment table to booking check page. * Added payment table to approved booking email and email template. = 1.24.0 = * Stripe payment support added. = 1.23.1 = * Fix booking submit when special characters are used in seat nr. = 1.23.0 = * Color picker update on map-eidtor page. Allows to set transparent background. = 1.22.0 = * Checkout field values copy when multiple seats selected * Minor style fixes = 1.21.0 = * Registration mobile view changes * Shortcode height attribute support. Lets you control the height of shortcode. = 1.20.1 = * Fixed issue where start and end date where not displayed correctly in registration view = 1.20.0 = * Seat number change functionality added to map-editor. = 1.19.2 = * PHP warning fix = 1.19.1 = * Bug fix = 1.19.0 = * Seat lock and seat password feature added. = 1.18.0 = * Display warning in booking status page when pending booking expiration time is set * Minor changes to booking status page * Improved image upload URL in map-editor = 1.17.1 = * Fixed registration view initial zoom out if map is too large for the screen = 1.17.0 = * Text added with text tool can now be resized. * Booking table added to booking status page * Booking table is added to booking notification email (admin). = 1.16.1 = * Fixed issue where QR code was not sent when using approved booking email template = 1.16.0 = * You can now customize verification, pending booking and approved booking emails. = 1.15.0 = * Removed booking info from email verification. * Send out booking update email when booking gets pending state * Fixed issue when confirming a booking can cause approved booking state change. * Added setting to control how long can booking be in pending state. = 1.14.0 = * Fixed issue where certain characters in registration name would break booking manager * Fixed registration view when Google page translate is used * Not using language files from the project. Language files will be pulled from translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/seatreg * Booking status will be set to 0 when related PayPal payment is refunded or reversed * Improved booking activity logging = 1.13.0 = * Map editor can now add text to registration view = 1.12.0 = * Shortcode modal added to more items * Added functionality to settings to show custom field data in registration view = 1.11.0 = * More item added to Home page items * Added functionality to copy existing registration * Custom fields can now be created with space characters = 1.10.3 = * Added booking id to XLSX * Removed Payment txn id and Payment received from XLSX * Fixed booking status page link in registration page = 1.10.2 = * Fixed PayPal payment bugs * Code maintenance = 1.10.1 = * Fixed wrong QR code in receipt emails when approving multiple bookings with booking-manager = 1.10.0 = * Added booking status link to booking manager and receipt email * Booking manager improvements * Code maintenance = 1.9.1 = * Booking manager bug fix on new registrations when adding a booking = 1.9.0 = * Booking manager can now add bookings * Added more logging for QR Code sending * Fixed booking manager loading spinner position * When email confirm is turned off and you need to pay for you booking then booking success dialog has text telling people to click to pay for booking = 1.8.0 = * Added QR testing tool * Changed QR code save directory * Bug fix on receipt email custom fields = 1.7.0 = * Booking receipt email is now sent to booker when booking is approved (enabled by default). * You can enable QR code for receipt email in settings (not enabled by default). = 1.6.0 = * Danish translations added. Thank you Kim Soenderup. * You can now set approved bookings back to pending. * You can now view booking and registration activity logs. * Fixed an issue with custom field labels. * Minor UI improvements = 1.5.0 = * Added support for WordPress 5.8 * You can now set registration close reason. * Minor UI and style improvements. = 1.4.0 = * Added tools submenu page with email testing * Minor UI improvements = 1.3.0 = * Added support for PayPal payments * With map builder you can now add prices to seats * In settings you can turn on and configure PayPal = 1.2.0 = * Added pot file for translations * Added Estonian translations * Text fixes and changes * Fixed bug when trying to remove image from room = 1.1.0 = * Added shortcode * Some style fixes = 1.0.9 = * Don't ask confirmation email when multi seats enabled and email confirmation turned off. = 1.0.8 = * Fixed issue with multiple seat booking edit = 1.0.7 = * Using Unix timestamps in DB. * Some fixes and improvements. = 1.0.6 = * added logic for DB updates = 1.0.5 = * removed default values from db tables where it is not supported. Set table engine to innoDB. * bug fixes = 1.0.4 = * xlsxwriter class update. PHP 8 compatible. = 1.0.3 = * PHP warning fixed = 1.0.2 = * Removed captcha = 1.0.1 = * Using template_include filter instead of page_template * Missing includes fix