MDP is a little plugin that enables jQuery UI calendar to manage multiple dates with the following features:
days from where it is possible to select Y
dates.Download from GitHub.
Please use the issue tracker on GitHub Issues
Being an extension to jQuery UI DatePicker you need to include both jQuery and jQuery UI (with datepicker module included!) javascript files to your HTML page, and right after that, include MultiDatesPicker.
To apply it to an element, do it the same way as you would do with jQuery UI datepicker, but write multiDatesPicker instead of datepicker:
Adds an array of dates specified in a string, milliseconds or javascript date object format.
NOTE: the string format you should pass to multiDatePicker depends on the localization of datepicker, see this page for more infos on how to configure it.
Disables an array of dates specified in a string, milliseconds or javascript date object format.
NOTE: the string format you should pass to multiDatePicker depends on the localization of datepicker, see this page for more infos on how to configure it.
Allows to specify a custom separator for the string representation of the dates selected (defaults ", ").
Allows to enable a different MDP modes: 'normal' (default) or 'daysRange'.
Number of dates allowed to be selected (see demo).
Limits the range of dates available for selection to a certain number of days from the first selection (see demo).
A boolean that allows to maintain the number of pickable days
even in case there are disabled days within the range
specified in 'pickableRange'.
See the corresponding demo
and try toggling this flag to see the results.
Array of two integers: the first sets the beginning of the range relative to the date clicked on; the last sets the end of the range. Both numbers may be negative (see demo).
Compares two dates returning 1, 0 or -1 if date2 is greater, equal or smaller than date1 respectively.
Returns the index of the date in the dates array, or false in case that date is not found.
The parameter dates can be a string or a date object.
Example: $('#simpliest-usage').multiDatesPicker('gotDate', new Date());
Adds one or more dates to the calendar.
The parameter dates can be a string, a date object or an array (of strings or javascript date objects).
Example adding today: $('#simpliest-usage').multiDatesPicker('addDates', new Date());
Removes one or more dates from the dates array using their indexes.
The parameter indexes can be an integer or an array of integers.
Example removing first date: $('#simpliest-usage').multiDatesPicker('removeIndexes', 0);
Removes one or more dates from the dates array using their dates.
The parameter dates can be a single value or an array of milliseconds, strings or date object.
Example removing today date: $('#simpliest-usage').multiDatesPicker('removeDates', new Date());
Removes all dates.
The array of dates to reset can be of type 'picked' (default) or 'disabled'.
Example resetting disabled dates: $('#simpliest-usage').multiDatesPicker('resetDates', 'disabled');
Adds/removes a single date from the calendar.
The date can be passed as string or as javascript date object.
Example toggling today: $('#simpliest-usage').multiDatesPicker('toggleDate', new Date());
Retrives the array of dates associated with the multiDatesPicker in the specified format: "string" (default) for localized string format, or "object" for javascript date object format.
Example: var dates = $('#simpliest-usage').multiDatesPicker('getDates');
If no parameter is passed, returns the string value that would be used in input elements. Otherwise parses the string for dates to add.
Get Example: var dates = $('#simpliest-usage').multiDatesPicker('value');
Set Example: $('#simpliest-usage').multiDatesPicker('value', '2/19/1985, 11/14/2009');
Destroys the MDP and Datepicker instances on the element.
Example: $('#simpliest-usage').multiDatesPicker('destroy');
You can find MDP implemented in the following sites:
If you're using MDP in your site and would like to share it, simply contact me. You'd get free ad from here and we get more examples of implementation from you :)
Here are some demos for you to understand how it works and what you can obtain with it.
To see how it is implemented simply check the source code of this page: I've tried to keep the code simple and clear :)
Just apply the plugin to an HTML element and you're ready to select multiple dates :)
Same as previous example, but using custom date formats and custom default day.
The name says it all: you can preselect some dates specifying them in an array.
Dates in the array can be a mix of object date and string dates.
Again, the name says it all: you can specify some dates to disable.
Dates in the array can be a mix of object date and string dates.
Disable a calendar picking functionality.
A way to have a calendar always displayed and a field that fills with selected dates.
Set the maximum number of dates that can be picked.
Define a range of dates to be allowed after the first date have been picked.
Some dates have been disabled to show up how adjustRangeToDisabled works.
This way you can automatically select a range of days with respect to the day clicked.
In this example the day range is set to [0, 5], which means from the day clicked to 5 days in advance.
You can also specify other combinations like:
As with the jQuery Datespicker, you can define a minimum and maximum date from where to pick dates.
The values are relative to the current date.
Just an example of how it would work with an input text field.
Define beforeShow
, beforeShowDay
and onClose
to apply custom behaviours.
* Being that MDP needs beforeShowDay
to change
the way jQuery datepicker behaves, there may be cases in which your custom definition in MDP
won't produce the same effects as if you were using it with datepicker alone.
Just an example of how it would look to show the full year.
MDP comes with a small CSS file that applies the following styles:
To even further customize the way the calendar looks, just modify the jQuery UI's theme you're using.
Multiple Dates Picker is about adding functionality not style :)
Apart from some features and bug fixes, there is need for a better documentation and a unit-test to guarantee that any improvements won't break the existent functionalities.
I'll try to maintain this project in my spare time (it is not my primary business), and I welcome anyone who wants to help (just contact me :)
You're welcome to get in touch with me to collaborate to this project: